It has started. My prep for the 2008 Team Universe. Somw people have asked why have i started so early. I am going to be trying something a little different this time. By putting on good quality muscle weight by lifting heavy with lower reps and not my usual High Intensity training routine that I normally do. I usually eat whatever I want until I start my prep for a competition which is about 12 to 16 weeks out. I eat to put on weight to make weight for the show. But this time I am starting now and I will be dieting down a bit.
Today was Back.Underhand grip pulldowns - 150lbs - 20reps, 170lb - 15reps, 220lbs - 10reps, 250lbs - 8reps.T-bar rows - 2(45) plates - 15reps 2 sets, 3(45) plates - 10reps 2 sets, 4 (45)plates 10reps 1 set, 6(45) plates 6reps 2 sets.Rack Deadlifts - 225lbs 15reps 2 sets, 315reps 10reps 2 sets, 405lbs 8reps 2 sets, 455lbs 6reps 2sets.Hammerstrength underhand pulldowns - 2(45's each side) 10reps, 3(45's each side) 8reps, 4(45's each side) 6reps.Front pulldowns - 220lbs - 10reps, 250lbs - 8reps, 270lbs - 6repsPull-ups - 3 sets of 10reps.
Food intake will look like this for 1 month
Meal 1 -1cup oatmeal, 1 cup eggwhites, 2scoops cellmass w/2 scoops carbolyzeMeal 2 -2scoops Isolyze protein w/2 scoops carbolyzeMeal 3 -12oz of lean beef, 2cups of white rice, 1cup of broccoliMeal 4 - 2 scoops of Isolyze w/2 scoops carbolyzeMeal 5 - 12oz of lean beef, 2cups of white rice 1cup of broccoliMeal 6 - 2 scoops of Isolyze, 2 scoops cellmass, 2 scoops carbolyzeMeal 7 - 12oz of lean beef, 1 cup broccoliMeal 8 - 24oz of musclemilk with 10grams of glutamine