This will be my offseason diet for the next 4 to 8 weeks. Some adjustments will be made during the course. This diet will start on monday of this coming week. My workouts are still on hiatus. Haven't been to the gym since winning the Natural Olympia. I was going to start this past monday but decided to wait for another week.
Meal 1- 10egg whites, 2whole eggs with 1 1/2c of oatmeal with 2tablespoons of organic peanut butter
Meal 2- 2 scoops of iso100 with 2 scoops of vitargo
Meal 3- 10oz of cooked chicken, 2c of white rice, 1c of green beans
Meal 4- 10oz of cooked chicken, 2c of white rice, 1c of green beans
Meal 5- 10oz of cooked steak, 2 whole sweet potatos, or 2cups of pasta, 1c of green beans
Meal 6- 2 scoops of iso100 with 2 scoops of vitargo
Meal 7- 10oz of cooked steak, 1c of grits, 1c of green beans
Meal 8 - casein protein or syntha or musclemilk, 2scoops before bed.
Cheat meals on tuesdays and saturdays. Whenever needed.
Supplements used:
Xtend- 6scoops in a half gallon jug of water. 3xper day.
Digestive enzymes- 2pills every meal
Vitargo 2x not including preworkout, intra and post
Superpump or EVP
Multivitamin 2x/day
Sizeon or crealyze 2sccops 2x/day
Iso 100 (protein by dymatize)
Omega pills 1pill 3x/day
Joint supps, 5pills, 2x/day
Glutamine - 1 teaspoon 3x per day.
Cardio - 4times a week 30min on treadmill