With the 14 weeks out from the Team Universe I have been hard at work not only in the gym but with my new website being built, guest posing appereances and just adjusting to this new schedule of trying to fit in training and my job. As some of you may know 14 weeks comes really fast, next thing you know its 6 weeks then the week of then weighns and etc. So Iam putting together alot of things now so I wont have to worry about the little things towards the end. For example my music, posing routine, colors of my suits the ones I will be wearing for prejudging and the night show, assuming I make the top 5. Sometimes you will never know you will show up so you have to be prepared with your best package. I have a couple songs in mind already, and the posing suits still debating on the colors. We will see!!!
As far as traingin and dieting goes. My diet has increased in meals and supplements this is my diet for june.
1. 10 egg whites 1 1/2 cup of oatmeal with mocha flavored splenda
supps - multivitamins, arthrolyze from species, lipolyze from species all with one cup of black coffee, 1 scoop of sizeon by gaspari
2. 8 egg whites 1 cup of brown rice
3. 2 scoops of isolyze with 2 scoops of carbolyze both by species
4. 2 chicken breasts with 2 japanese yams
5. 2 chicken breasts with 2 slices of ezkiel bread
6. 8oz of lean steak with 10 stalks of asparagus
7. 8oz of lean steak with 10 stalks of asparagus
8. 2 scoops of isolyze with 1 scoop of carbolyze
supps - 1 pill of lipolyze, 1 scoop of sizeon with 1 scoop of glutamine, arthrolyze
9. 2 chicken breasts, 1 cup of brocoli
10 2 chicken breasts, 1 cup of broccoli
11. 2 scoops of isolyze
12. before bed 2 scoops of syntha 6
13. 2am 1 scoop of isolyze
14. 4am 1 scoop of isolyze
Here it is for the month of June, this is what I will be following, I will adjust somethings if need be.
H2o - is 2 to 3 gallons per day.
The training portion I will put up today.