After taking time off from training, as a matter of fact since September. I resumed training today. This was a nice needed break to let my joints, ligaments, bones you name it heal. At the same time mentaly I needed the break. I still weight 207lbs. Last week I started to load up on protein and creatine. It looked something like this.
I was taking Isolyze protein 4 times a day, 50grams per serving with 10grams of glutamine and carbolyze 4 times per day 78grams per serving with 1 serving of size-on 3 times perday. Included I have been taking arthrolyze, testoslyze, omegalyze, multivitamins and fruit a vie.
Last week my meals werent to good, I was eating 3 times perday.
am - 3 bagels with a protein shakelunch - 2 chicken sandwichdinner - steak with green salad and 3 cups of rice.
Today I just increased my meals to 5meals perday. adding in one steak meal and rice and one chicken breast meal with rice.
Workout today consisted of nothing but back. The only reason I train back on monday is everyone else trains chest on mondays at just about any gym you go too so all the back machines are open.
Deadlifts 4 sets 15repsBent over barbell rows 4 sets 15repsUnderhand pulldowns 4 sets 15repsReg lat pulldowns front 4 sets 15repsHyperextensions 3 sets 20reps
Thats all she wrote till tomorrow!!!
Nice and easy!!!