Thursday, May 29, 2008

14 weeks out from Team Universe

With the 14 weeks out from the Team Universe I have been hard at work not only in the gym but with my new website being built, guest posing appereances and just adjusting to this new schedule of trying to fit in training and my job. As some of you may know 14 weeks comes really fast, next thing you know its 6 weeks then the week of then weighns and etc. So Iam putting together alot of things now so I wont have to worry about the little things towards the end. For example my music, posing routine, colors of my suits the ones I will be wearing for prejudging and the night show, assuming I make the top 5. Sometimes you will never know you will show up so you have to be prepared with your best package. I have a couple songs in mind already, and the posing suits still debating on the colors. We will see!!!

As far as traingin and dieting goes. My diet has increased in meals and supplements this is my diet for june.

1. 10 egg whites 1 1/2 cup of oatmeal with mocha flavored splenda
supps - multivitamins, arthrolyze from species, lipolyze from species all with one cup of black coffee, 1 scoop of sizeon by gaspari
2. 8 egg whites 1 cup of brown rice
3. 2 scoops of isolyze with 2 scoops of carbolyze both by species
4. 2 chicken breasts with 2 japanese yams
5. 2 chicken breasts with 2 slices of ezkiel bread
6. 8oz of lean steak with 10 stalks of asparagus
7. 8oz of lean steak with 10 stalks of asparagus
8. 2 scoops of isolyze with 1 scoop of carbolyze
supps - 1 pill of lipolyze, 1 scoop of sizeon with 1 scoop of glutamine, arthrolyze
9. 2 chicken breasts, 1 cup of brocoli
10 2 chicken breasts, 1 cup of broccoli
11. 2 scoops of isolyze
12. before bed 2 scoops of syntha 6
13. 2am 1 scoop of isolyze
14. 4am 1 scoop of isolyze

Here it is for the month of June, this is what I will be following, I will adjust somethings if need be.

H2o - is 2 to 3 gallons per day.

The training portion I will put up today.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Changing Gyms

Well with 107 days left til the Team Universe. I decided to change gyms that I train at. I usually bounce from gym to gym so that I wont get bored. But i decided to buckledown and if I need help this was the place to go. Why? Well let's see, there are judges from the NPC, IFBB mens and women's and Figure pro's that train there along with some of the top Amateur's in the NPC. So I can always stay motivated.

Today will be Legs

As some of you may know Derick Farnsworth is probably pound for pound one of the strongest guys I know. When it comes to leg training this is one guy you would want to listen too. One thing I wanted to do this off season was to bring more sweep to my quads. Well he gave me a tip and adjusted the way I now hack squat and damn the shyt is harder and hit really hits that outer quad alot. So I will put down the training session tonight.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Well just returned from training!!! Good training session today.Started with deadlifts3 sets of 225 for 15 reps2 sets of 315 for 15 reps2 sets of 405 for 10 reps1 set of 225 for 25 reps right after the last setTBar Rows2 sets 2 plates for 20 reps2 sets 3 plates for 15 reps2 sets 4 plates for 15 reps1 set 2 plates for 25 reps right after the last setHammer Low row3 sets 2 plates each side 20reps3 sets 3 plates each side 15reps2 sets 4 plates each side 10reps1 set 2 plates each side 25 reps right after the last setHyperextensions with a 25lb weight3 sets 20 repsTrisRope pressdowns7 sets 20 reps each set working up in weightHammer dips working up in weight try to keep the reps around 20, 5 setsKickbacks - 35lbs 20reps for 4 sets.Pretty good day!!!!Still sore from the leg workout. hella sore matter of fact!!!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

122 Days til Team Universe

Finally started with the cardio sessions. My cardio is very limited. I try not to do too much in order to spare my muscle.

Stairmill for 20minutes level 2.
Weighted Ab crunchs
Seated calf Raises

This was all in the AM

Training sessions consisted of legs

Leg extensions - 6 sets no reps less than 15. Rep range stayed between 25 to 15, heaviest weight was 250, lightest was 190

Hack Squats - 8 sets reps no less than 15 reps also highest was 25. heaviest weight 4 plates each side for 15 reps lightest weight one plate.

Leg Press - 6 sets same with the reps and sets. heaviest weight was 10 plates each side lightest was 5 plates each side

Lying leg curls - 3 sets, just to loosen them up - 120lbs 25 reps, 130lbs, 25reps, 140lbs 15reps

Contest prepe is in full swing.

My meals right now are at 10 meals perday consisting of 30g of protein per meal, carbs are right around 400g and fat is at 50 to 75.