Friday, December 10, 2010

This will be my offseason diet for the next 4 to 8 weeks. Some adjustments will be made during the course. This diet will start on monday of this coming week. My workouts are still on hiatus. Haven't been to the gym since winning the Natural Olympia. I was going to start this past monday but decided to wait for another week.

Meal 1- 10egg whites, 2whole eggs with 1 1/2c of oatmeal with 2tablespoons of organic peanut butter

Meal 2- 2 scoops of iso100 with 2 scoops of vitargo

Meal 3- 10oz of cooked chicken, 2c of white rice, 1c of green beans

Meal 4- 10oz of cooked chicken, 2c of white rice, 1c of green beans

Meal 5- 10oz of cooked steak, 2 whole sweet potatos, or 2cups of pasta, 1c of green beans

Meal 6- 2 scoops of iso100 with 2 scoops of vitargo

Meal 7- 10oz of cooked steak, 1c of grits, 1c of green beans

Meal 8 - casein protein or syntha or musclemilk, 2scoops before bed.

Cheat meals on tuesdays and saturdays. Whenever needed.

Supplements used:

Xtend- 6scoops in a half gallon jug of water. 3xper day.
Digestive enzymes- 2pills every meal
Vitargo 2x not including preworkout, intra and post
Superpump or EVP
Multivitamin 2x/day
Sizeon or crealyze 2sccops 2x/day
Iso 100 (protein by dymatize)
Omega pills 1pill 3x/day
Joint supps, 5pills, 2x/day
Glutamine - 1 teaspoon 3x per day.

Cardio - 4times a week 30min on treadmill

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Natural Universe

INBA/PNBA Natural Universe

Last year the natural universe was after the natural olympia. This year its a week before the Natural Olympia in Hollywood, California. So this is somewhat of a preview of the natural olympia.

This years Universe had countries from Czech republic, Egypt, Great Britain, Australia, Somoa, Canada as well as some other countries.

The host hotel and check in was the Ramada inn hotel and suites in hollywood on friday night.

Prejudging started at 9am and the Pros went on last.

There were a lot of good competitors in the novice, open, masters bodybuilding as well as figure, bikini, physique etc.

I went into this show knowing I would possibly be going up against Phillip Ricardo, Mike Waddington, Warren Clampit but once we started pumping up for the prejudging the only competitors that were there from the above mentioned were Mike Waddington.

Still I was prepared to go up against whom ever was there. I believe I brought a good package to the stage. So it would have to be up to the judges to decide if I brought a good enough package to win. During prejudging when I was in a relaxed flexed postion while flexing my calf I pulled the muscle in my calf. All I heard was a loud pop. But I had to fight through it. Prejudging was all done and over, with 10 pros onstage and it was a good battle. The first callout was myself, mike waddington, moses ajala and brent swanson. As they shuffled us around myself and mike waddington primarily stayed in the middle.

Between prejudging and finals. We went to eat at Johnny Rockets. I had a burger with fries and a half glass of diet coke. Then went back to the hotel to ice my leg and get it rubbed out. Still I had time to take a nap. Waking up I had my Vitargo pudding which consisted of 2 scoops of vitargo and 4oz of water. Off we went back to prejudging, I was feeling pretty good! As we sat in the audience watching the show I had supporters that came to watch me and it was so nice to see them there at the show. Well it was time to go pump up backstage. What I normally do is go somewhere alone and quiet to pump up and do a little posing while julieann helps with my color and oil making sure everything is spot on! Having her there every step of the way is a blessing as she knows because she is a competitor herself. She keeps me calm and at ease. I'm always forgetting something or misplacing something but she's always there to have my back. Backstage I felt really good but my calf still hurt pretty bad but I had to fight through it! Everyone got to perform there routines. My routine went well with little glitches here and there but no one noticed but myself and julieann. After all was said and done. I knew it would come down to myself and mike waddington again. So when they announced the second place to mike waddington my heart dropped and I was relieved to win my second Natural Universe title and to add icing on the cake I was awarded the best poser of the night. None of this wouldve happened if julieann wasn't by my side encourging and supporting me along the way! Also with the encouragement and backing of my sponsor GENr8. So this win is OUR win, we are a TEAM. Now off to the Natural Olympia in Reno in 5days.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Natural Universe

3 days out from the INBA/PNBA Natural Universe


This will be my last depletion workout for the week. Chest/bis and tris - Should last 45min at the most then 30min on the treadmill. First coat of protan went on last night. Sodium gets cut at noon today and carb is starts tomorrow. For the carb up process I will be using VitargoS2, brown rice,oats, rice crackers and japanese sweet potatos. That will be for thursday. Friday is a little different I just add in peanut butter on the rice crackers to add in the fats. My team did a trial run with peanut butter and rice crackers 3 weeks prior and it worked perfect. My body responded very well. This will be the same for friday all night into saturaday morning. I will also add in steak starting early friday morning and throught out the day. As some may not drop water, For me I drop water. I start dropping water tomorrow. Right now my mood is pretty good. Tired and really weak but this is where it becomes mental.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

2 weeks left til the Natural Universe

As of today it is 2 weeks til the INBA/PNBA Natural Universe and I am right on pace to be at my all time best. Take it one show at a time right now. Natural Universe is first. Nov 6th. Even though I'm feeling like crap on most days i"m very excited as each approaches. My workouts are still heavy but with a lot of volume.

Example Bentover rows 315lbs 10reps, drop set from there, 225 15reps, 135 20reps - 3sets

Corner rows 7 35lb plates supersetted with 100lb dumbell rows 15reps on each exercise 3 sets

Hammer strength rows - 2 -45plates on each side high pull superset with incline lying barbell rows - 15reps , 3 sets

Cable puldowns -7sets 5reps 120lbs

Cardio is 40min on the revolving stairmill in the early morning on an emtpty stomach and 40min stairmill again at night. On legs days its bike or treadmill.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Leg workout example 2 1/2 and 3 1/2 weeks from Competition

My leg workouts are prety crazy!!! I do a lot of volume with a lot of weight. Drop sets, pyrmarid sets, etc. Right now my legs are hit 3 times per week so bring in the conditioning and to dry them out. Its very hard especially since my cardio is done everyday.


leg extensions - 15 reps 7sets supersetted with Lying hack squat 15 reps 7sets ( this is done nonstop)

Smith machine squat - drop set 5reps,10reps,15reps,20reps. Thats one set. I complete 3 sets going heavier on the next 2 sets.

Reverse plea hack squat - drop set - 5reps, 10reps, 15reps, 20reps. 3sets

Walking lunges - no weight, superset with abductor machine

Again right now I'm getting ready for a competition so each session is different

Monday, October 11, 2010

Precontest Carb up

2 days before i step onstage, Let the carb up begin. Vitargo, Japanese sweet potatoes.

How I Mix Vitargo® S2™

Because Vitargo S2 is a starch it mixes differently than virtually all maltodextrin and sugars-based powder products. Follow the directions below for best results:
In a shaker bottle (750 ml size) Add about 350 ml (12 oz.) of (ideally room temp) water to a shaker bottle—we recommend the “Blender Bottle®”—and then add 1 packet or 2 scoops of Vitargo S2, cap, and shake vigorously for 10-15 seconds. Add another 350 ml (12 oz.) of water, cap, and shake vigorously for 10-15 seconds. Alternatively, use a regular water bottle and throw in a large marble, and mix as described above. If you are not drinking it all at once after you first mix it, shake vigorously every minute or so for 5-7 minutes. Thereafter it will REMAIN in suspension and not settle out on the bottom.
You can refrigerate for 3-5 days and it will be cold, ready to go, and still in solution. You can also transfer it to a Camelbak®, aero bottle, or other hydration system and enjoy zero worries about clogging. Fill a blender with about 750 ml (25 oz.) of water, place the cap on, and turn it on LOW-MEDIUM. WHILE IT IS BLENDING add 1 packet/2 scoops of Vitargo S2 and it is ready to drink. If you want to make a POST-WORKOUT blender drink, add anything else you want (protein powder, branched chain aminos, etc.), again WHILE IT IS BLENDING. This will ensure a smooth drink without clumps.
As a gel Obtain a gel flask and add 2-4 tablespoons of water (add more water, if desired), then add 1-2 scoops/1 packet of Vitargo S2—we recommend a 50:50 blend of Unflavored/Unsweetened Vitargo S2 with Natural Juicy Orange or Tropical Fruit flavor Vitargo S2, to reduce the sweetness and flavor intensity. Shake or stir vigorously for 10-15 seconds and squeeze out as needed. Clean gel flasks by soaking in hot water overnight, and then washing in the dishwasher on the upper or top rack. As a pudding
Place 1-2 scoops/1 packet of Vitargo S2 into a bowl, wide mouth shaker bottle, or other receptacle where you can easily spoon out the contents—we recommend a 50:50 blend of Unflavored/ Unsweetened Vitargo S2 with Natural Juicy Orange or Tropical Fruit flavor Vitargo S2, to reduce the sweetness and flavor intensity. Then add 2-4 tablespoons of water (add more water, if desired). Stir vigorously for 10-15 seconds and spoon out as desired. Clean receptacles for Vitargo S2 pudding by soaking in hot water overnight, and then washing in the dishwasher on the upper or top rack.

When and How I Use Vitargo S2
Pre- (even early AM), between, & during training or competition Mix ½ to one packet of Vitargo S2 as described aboveexperiment and see if you prefer a half or full packet/1 or 2 scoops. We recommend you use it as your ONLY source of “fuel” for early morning training or competition.
Post-training, post-competition Mix ONE packet/2 scoops of Vitargo S2 as described above and drink as soon as possible after finishing—you can mix in your favorite protein powder (and anything else) at the same time, just be sure to follow the mixing directions above—it may get a little thick. Unflavored/Unsweetened Vitargo S2—it really has NO flavor—works best in mixing with FLAVORED protein powders.
Alternatively, just mix up the Vitargo S2 with water and eat a protein-rich food e.g. nonfat yogurt, breast of chicken or turkey, fish, etc. After intense (hill/incline work; heavy leg training; brick work) or long sessions (over 120 minutes of endurance work or competition), for optimal recovery, take another full serving of Vitargo S2 30-60 minutes after your first serving

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Currently I run a Low/High Diet. Carb Cycling the whole time. I found out that this works good for me.

Low Carb Day

Meal 1 - Isolate shake 50g, 1 scp of Vitargo
Meal 2 - 8 egg whites
Meal 3 - 8oz of Tilapia, 1/4 cup of brown rice, 1 cup of veggies
Meal 4 - Isolate shake 50g
Meal 5 - 8oz of Tilapia, 1/4 cup of brown rice, 1 cup of veggies
Meal 6 - 8oz of Tilapia, 1 cup of veggies
Meal 7 - 8 eggwhites or Isolate shake 50g

High Carb Day

Meal 1 - Isolate shake 50g, 1 scp of Vitargo
Meal 2 - 8 egg whites, 1/4 cup of grits
Meal 3 - 8oz of Tilapia, 1cup of brown rice or 1 large yam, 1 cup green beans
Meal 4 - Isolate shake 50g, 2scps of Vitargo
Meal 5 - 8oz of Tilapia, 1/2 cup of brown rice
intra - 2 scoops Vitargo, 4scoops of xtend
Meal 6 - 8oz of Tilapia, 1/4 cup of grits
Meal 7 - 8 eggwhites, 1 scoop of Vitargo

This is what works for me!!!!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Coming home from the Dallas Europa on the greyhound

The dallas europa is all done and over with. It was a fun weekend with some good and new friends! I'm sure it will be an experience going home.

Leaving out ot Dallas, Texas greyhound station. Julieann has already left on a southwest flight back home! I walked one block to the station and broke out in a massive sweat for how hot it was outside! Omg 108 and humid!!! Glad I'm going home!

So far its already been interesting in the first 3 hours of the trip. We have a crazy guy on the bus that keeps talking to himself and touching people. So the bus driver pulls over and has the guy come to the front to sit down on the step of the door and says "don't move"!

Now that we have made a stop in Abeliene, Texas a girl comes on the bus with her frickin dog! Are you serious! This maybe the last time I ever take the bus anywhere!!! Lol! What the hell was I thinking! Its been an adventure so far I can tell you this and its not over! Our next stops are Pecos, Odessa, Big springs right into El Paso. So stay tuned for some more updates!!!

Trip to Dallas Europa Super Show

The trip to the Dallas Europa has officialy began. I would usually fly to events but in the last 6 months I've flown a total of 12 times. Including 4, 16 to 18 hour flights from the US to Australia and going back again in 5 weeks. I haven't taken a bus for this kind of trip since I was back in college!!! I'm just tired of flying for a bit! First stop on this journey is el cajon. For now its nice there's only 10 people on the bus whom one is sick!!! SHYT!!!

Just outside of san diego county lines, actually out in el centro. I'm so glad I live in san diego. There's not a damn thing out here! Well its time for another meal, chicken and japanese sweet potato!!!!

We just arrived in Calexico!!! Huh!!! What's that california and mexico? Lol!

So far on this bus since we left at 7am, the lady behind me hasn't stopped talking!!! Omg. We just left Yuma, Arizona and omg its beyond hot out here. At our next stop, I'm gonna try an experiment! Gonna try to see if I can cook an egg on the street!!!! Lol!!

Just arrived here in phoenix!!!! Its a 110 degrees! Damn! Just saw a guy get taken away because he didn't have his papers or ID nothing! Damn!!! His girl is crying her head off!!! The worst part he was native american indian!!!! Not even Hispanic.

Well we are 2 stops away from Dallas and the worst thing happened right now in which I don't agree and neither does the rest of the people on the bus. The bus driver left a lady and her baby at a rest stop. Here's the story: the driver told us 25min for a rest stop, that's it. " If your not on the bus before I am then I'm leaving without you, the next bus comes in 6hours". So the lady that was hispanic asked the bus driver in spanish, how long do we have he said I don't understand your language. WOW! So we left without her! We tried to tell the bus driver she left all her baby stuff onboard including her papers!!! He didn't care! She said her loss!

Just arrived in Dallas and the hotel is 2blocks away, do I walk or pay $20 for a taxi? My azz is walking! Lol! Turns out its only one block! Not bad! .

Its thursday evening and upon checking in at the hotel, I have already seen and said hi to Shawn Ray, George Farah, Tony Freeman, among many others that were down in the lobby. Time to go rest and see if my girl Julieann needs anything.

Its friday morning and we went downstairs to have a little breakfast. At the buffet we saw hany rambod, kim oddo, bob cicherllo, joel stubbs, markus ruhl, adela garcia among many others. Since I'm dieting I was limited to egg whites and grits. As julieann was getting ready I went to go do cardio for an hour.

Let's head to prejudging, First stop had to be at our sponsors booth, GENr8. This expo had everything from low riders, mma, martial arts and even strongman competitions. Very well ran expo and a lot of fun. Prejudging was great, watched the pro bikini, pro 202, pro figure but missed the pro open men. There were a lot of pro debuts, mark alvisi, shawn rhoden, seth feroce, dave goodin and many more. In the bikini division I agreed with the top 3. Figure division was a bit confusing not sure what to look for in figure but i had alicia harris for the win and turner second or third. In the 202's it wasn't close. Seth Feroce had it nailed down! In the open there were a lot of boos the first place winner had it locked! He looked great but the placings from 2nd to 5th were wrong. This is such a subjective sport we have but u still gotta love it. Judges are human! As for Julieann she ended up in 10th. Not bad for being 70 percent. We have 6weeks to go until she steps on the Olympia stage and trust me she will be ready to rock!!! As the show ended we headed back to the hotel for a quick shower and change and headed out to dinner with some friends to the cheescake factory. It was a fun time by all!!! Stay tuned for the trip back home!!!! Lol!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Guest Posing in Biloxi Mssissippi - INBAi

Leaving on a jet plane!!! It feels like there's no need to unpack! Fly out this morning to Mississippi for a guest posing appearance. First stop to Houston, Texas. Here we go again next stop Biloxi, Mississippi. Just arrived in Biloxi and picked up by the promoters in a nice limo town car. First class.

Just arrived at the hotel and all I can say is W0W! Its called the Beau Rivage, it reminded me of the Bellagio in Vegas. While we are checking me in at the hotel the promoters tells me Kiyoshi you need anything please let me know. Food, etc. Just charge it to the room. My room is on the 24th floor facing the gulf coast,its hard to believe that this town was underwater when katrina hit. Beautiful view and the room damn couldn't ask for any better!

First night here went downstairs and played a little slot machine in the casino. Also had me some buffet and met the executive manager of the hotel.
Just woke and ordered me some pancakes and canadian bacon and went to go hit the sauna a drop a little water.

Just picked up by Shayne baca (promoter) in a stretch limo along with 8 time Mr Olympia Champion, Lee Haney and Jesse Godderez from big brother and headed to Shaynes house for lunch. The limo ride to shaynes house was awsome just being able to talk with Lee Haney and getting his advice on the industry and how I can make it better for myself and my family. As we arrived Shayne tells us that they just killed a big rattlesnake in the backyard. Saw the picture and that shyt was big!!! Damn! Lunch was awesome, good ole southern cooking! I've missed it so much. Some people may not know. I have a lot of family in Georgia. Enjoyed good company with some new friends!!! As we headed back to the hotel I was tired but didn't want to miss Lee Haneys seminar!!! Took a nap a that was it!! Seminar was at 7 and I woke up at 8! Damn!!!! Ruined my nite!!!!

Here it is Saturday night. Well myself and jesse are picked by the limo at the hotel for the event and I forget some things for the guest posing apperance so back I go to the hotel. As I leave the hotel again this time with Lee Haney had another good conversation with him again!!! Lee is really down to earth and very nice!!! As we get set up for our personal booths it was an honor to share the same table as Lee Haney, just getting to watch him how he conducts himself and interacts with people was amazing. Something he told me while I was talking to fans was he said I have the Power to Project when I'm on stage!!! Wow! Lee saying that about me!!!! About 30minutes before I hit the stage I forgot something again!!! Samples from GENr8. So here Iam high tailing back to the Beau Rivage Hotel to pick them up.

Made it just in time for a quick pump and costume change. The routine went very good and the crowd was awesome!! 25minutes!!!! Went out into the crowd and it was hyped!!!! Had a lot of fun!!!!

After party at the Chill was awesome. Hung out with some cool people and now good friends! I think we didn't get back til 4am.

On my way back home! First stop is houston and then home to san diego!!!!

Thursday, July 22, 2010


Just arrived in sac town. Its already hot at 930am. On my way to the hotel and a polygraph test. So I'm sitting here in the cab and the driver tells me the houses here sell for about 70k to 170k. WTF. For a 3 bed 3bath. Damn why can't the weather be nice up here like san diego.

This prep has gone pretty well after the musclemania. Jumped back to the basics of what works for me the cardio stairmill sessions and very high rep training. I can tell you now its been a little harder this year than previous years because of the added size I put on. Its just the process of learning my body! I'm a lot thicker than previous years. But I know that's not going to cut in this organization. I believe in the natural org's they are more made for guys with great conditioning and not the size. To me its called bodybuilding for a reason. Not body condtioning. When ur 5'9 to 5'10 u should not be weighing in the 170's to 180 range. Hell anyone can get skinny!!! U should still have the size to back it up. Improve from year to year not stay the same.

Polygraph all done as usual and passed. Nothing new. Carbing up has its goods ad bad. My protocol is to carbup and not drink water. That's what ive always done in the past til last show at musclemania when I tried something different. So from now on I stick to what works for me. No water!!!! Just agressive carbs! This seems to dry me out and once I start pumping up I fill out nicely. This will be one hell of a show, I will be going up against my good friend and long time competitior Phillip Ricardo, some other outstanding competitiors are cleveland thomas, moji oluwa are just to name a few that I know and heard of before in the industry.
Athlete meeting all done and over.

The main objective for me is to keep pumping in the carbs and no water. I get harder and tighter and drier!

It's 530am, competition day. 4 hours before we go out onstage. Sitting here in a small casino called cordova casino across the street from the hotel, always good to have and establishment like this next to the hotel. Its perfect not one competitior in sight and I get to sit and relax and eat and watch ESPN! Just ordered my 3 pancakes and country potatoes.I will make my vitargo pudding to help me fill out more. Time to eat and fill out and dry out some more!!

Prejudging is over and it was a battle. We were out there for 30 to 40minutes. I came out last out of 11 pros, after the first quarter turn then moved me to the middle where me and phillip ricardo stayed the entire time doing battle. We switched one time. They would put cleveland thomas on either side of us so not sure how the outcome will be. But it was crazy up there!! Had a lot of fun and that's what its all about! Now for the posing routine tonight using a keith washington song mixed with Jay Z. "We gonna run this town tonight". My routines are more slower with good transitions or at least I try to make them good! But added a little sumin sumin at the end!!!

Well the routine went well but the outcome wasn't in my favor! I placed second to phillip ricardo. The goodthing is I collect 1000k. Phillip and I have competed 3 times against each including this show so far its 2 to 1 in my favor. This is the first time he has beaten me. We go head to head 3 more times this year. As I learn my new body with the added size I will only get better as the year goes on. The show was ran really well and the promoters and the staff were very helpful!!! The onething I would recommend for the judging panel and I understand that they want to get the decision right but to have call-outs.

On our way back to the hotel phillip (rico) treated me to Mcds, my consolation prize! Lol he's a good sport and a good friend!

There was a afterparty but I decided not to attend. I had to catch an early flight and still had to pack so I decided to stay in.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Musclemania Universe weekend

Musclemania universe weekend
The first show of the year is off and running. Preparing for this show was a bit diferent than most shows I've done. My prep was actually for the Team Universe, July 9th and 10th, but also since I was going to be a heavyweight this year my body would be a little different. I finally wouldn't have to worry about making a certain weight. The experience was good and very well worth it! It was a very long show and a little bit disorganzied backstage. First no one to help with your color or oil and also no pump up room. Well at least there was an area for athletes but no weights or bands. So we had to fend for ourselves. Like I said I tried some things different this time with my whole prep as far cardio sessions, carbing up, water and sodium manipulation. So we will see what happens. Well the show is all over and done. There were some very good competitiors. - won my class but lost the overall. I can honestly say my conditioning wasn't its all time best. Maybe 80 percent. Also retaining a lot of water due to trying to water load! I didn't get to go to any afterpartys which are usually held by musclemania due to my flight leaing so early in the morning. But in all it was a great experince. The one downfall was my brand new under armour warmups were stolen whem I went onstage!!! Now that's weak. Its all good though. Karmas a bitch!!!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I tried some new things for the Musclemania show 3 weeks ago, and it backfired as far as carbs, less cardio, water and sodium manipulation. I was retaining water. Tried the way everyone does by drinking more water going into the show!!! For me its a NO NO!!! big mistake. live and learn!!! Back to basics and now have a big show in 3days. I'm ready to rock. This I believe will be my best conditioning to date a long with the size. i will step onstage at 210, up from 196 from last year!!!!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

The New Year of 2010

As for this year I have a lot on my plate. I have begun shooting my DVD
which will be like no other and will have a lot of extras in it. We will
be shooting from March till pre-contest for the Natural Olympia in Nov. It will include a
lot of special surprises from different athletes and trainers!!! Also I will be off to Australia again for seminars and award presentations also I will be Guest posing in Biloxi, Mississippi. Contest wise my first show will the Musclemania Universe in miami Florida June 18-19th.

I am proud to announce that I have just signed with Team GENr8 and looking
forward to working with a up and coming company with great quality
products such as VitargoS2.

I will be at numerous shows throughout the year mostly on the west coast
but I will be at the Europa in Dallas and IFBB Olympia to support JulieAnn as she will be
competing in the Pro Figure.

Make sure you keep an eye out for my Samurai shirts and hats coming soon
and check out the member site where there will be a lot of free
information on training, nutrition, videos etc!!!!


June 18 & 19 - Musclemania Universe in Miami
July 17 - IFPA USA PRO in Sacramento
August 21 & 22 - PNBA World Natural in Anaheim
October 23 - IFPA Yorton Cup in Washington DC (Tenative)
November 5, 6 & 7 - PNBA Natural Universe
November 12, 13 &14 - PNBA Natural Olympia in Reno
November 18 - 19 - Musclemania World's

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

No to Team Universe

I will not be competing in the NPC Team Universe in 2010 possibly ever again. After coming back from Australia I was very well received in Aussie and to what direction I should go. That is to compete in only the Natural Organizations. Which Ones? IFPA as a Pro, INBA/PNBA as a pro, Musclemania as a Pro and possibly the NGA as a Pro. My first show will possibly be in 3 weeks. My shows are all lined up for the year just waiting for the approval of my sponsor GENr8. So stay tuned for which ones I will be competing in.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Signed with GENr8

This past month has been very exciting, I have signed a new contract and will be working very closely with GENr8 as I prepare for 2 upcoming shows. The first show is Lonnie Teper's Show the West Coast Classic June 26th then 2 weeks later is where I'm putting all my emphasis on, NPC Team Universe in New Jersey July 9th and 10th. This will be my fourth attempt at winning the overall at this show. In 2007 I lost to Chris Faildo, In 2008 to Tim Martin and 2009 lost to Wendyl Floyd. Every year I have been so close but no prize!! This year I will step it up a notch and step up to a different weight class. I'm moving up to the heavyweight division. Last year was difficult for me to get down to the lightheavies. This year has been nonstop training and eating and my top weight was 238. I'm hoping to step onstage at 210 to 215 up from 195 to 198 from my previous 3 years. Also my new website will be up soon and it will be fun to navigate around in there a lot of extras, Lastly I'm in the midst of shooting for my dvd which will be out around septembers, Olympia time!!!It will show you my contest prep, everyday living, leading up to the Team Universe.

Friday, April 2, 2010

No More Muscletech!!!!

I am no longer with Muscletech!!! I asked for a release from muscletech and they obliged!! why? I have some things in the works and excited to see what will happen in the next few months!!! Life is a lot about risks and taking chances!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Diet Slowly Approaching

I'm slowly starting to clean food out my food intake for the 16week diet thats about to start soon!!! Cant wait to see what my physique will look like as a heavyweight. The new added size has really made a difference this year!!!!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Saturday, February 6, 2010


New begininngs for 2010!!!! Whats new for this year and the projects ahead! I will start shooting my new DVD in March of this year. My new website is under construction. I have a big guest posing appearence in Australia in May and another in Mississippi in July. So make sure you keep up an dof course July 9th and 10th in New Jersey!!!!! Team Universe!!!!!