Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Leg workout example 2 1/2 and 3 1/2 weeks from Competition

My leg workouts are prety crazy!!! I do a lot of volume with a lot of weight. Drop sets, pyrmarid sets, etc. Right now my legs are hit 3 times per week so bring in the conditioning and to dry them out. Its very hard especially since my cardio is done everyday.


leg extensions - 15 reps 7sets supersetted with Lying hack squat 15 reps 7sets ( this is done nonstop)

Smith machine squat - drop set 5reps,10reps,15reps,20reps. Thats one set. I complete 3 sets going heavier on the next 2 sets.

Reverse plea hack squat - drop set - 5reps, 10reps, 15reps, 20reps. 3sets

Walking lunges - no weight, superset with abductor machine

Again right now I'm getting ready for a competition so each session is different