Saturday, October 23, 2010

2 weeks left til the Natural Universe

As of today it is 2 weeks til the INBA/PNBA Natural Universe and I am right on pace to be at my all time best. Take it one show at a time right now. Natural Universe is first. Nov 6th. Even though I'm feeling like crap on most days i"m very excited as each approaches. My workouts are still heavy but with a lot of volume.

Example Bentover rows 315lbs 10reps, drop set from there, 225 15reps, 135 20reps - 3sets

Corner rows 7 35lb plates supersetted with 100lb dumbell rows 15reps on each exercise 3 sets

Hammer strength rows - 2 -45plates on each side high pull superset with incline lying barbell rows - 15reps , 3 sets

Cable puldowns -7sets 5reps 120lbs

Cardio is 40min on the revolving stairmill in the early morning on an emtpty stomach and 40min stairmill again at night. On legs days its bike or treadmill.